I am just getting back into the swing of things since i started the new year off sick. No better way to spend this Friday than baking, catching up on hairdos from being out, and starting a blog. Who even am I?? I actually wanted to take this post to introduce myself. My name is Amanda, I am a hairdresser, and a nurse, and now entrepreneur. Thats weird to say. My life looks totally different this week as i am transitioning home. No more nursing for a while. A few days of hair and the rest of the week I can literally do what I want which has been consisting of lots of Tiktok content for brands and personal growth, i also wrote an Ebook on sourdough already this year, so weird. I plan to get us back on track financially by saving money and making a lot of what we use at home. As i mentioned i bake, a lot of sourdough so bread weekly is a must. I am now making our butter, this week our ketchup. Its exciting getting back to this. I am not going to lie, when the world was shut down during covid and we had our chickens and sheep to take care of daily, our garden that produced enough to keep us and i was at home, it was the best time I’ve had. Without the world shut down and the covid part, that is my Goal this year. The Rich life, if you know what i mean. I am married to a firefighter so being the sole parent at home is challenging sometimes but i wouldn’t change it for anything. We love our Hero. The plan was to take you all along with us while we learn to make all the things and inspire you to grow and make your own food as well. There will be other fun stuff thrown in along the way. I cant wait to really get started. Love you bye.