Tag: Diy

  • DIY Laundry Powder

    If you are anything like us as a family of 5, we do atleast a load or more of laundry a day!!! We go through laundry detergent so fast that we are spending around $50 a month on laundry supplies. In the world we live in these days we have been trying to cut cost corners where we can so let me show you a quick DIY laundry powder to save you some money!! I spent $18 on what will more than likely last me 3 months and you could easily double the recipe!!!

    I grabbed a 20quart tub at walmart for around $5 to put this in because the recipe makes about 10lbs of powder. All of the ingredients can be found at walmart but incase you are more of an amazon shopper i will have the list in my cart here.https://amzn.to/41vbTnM

    Below is a picture for reference.

    List of supplies you will need.

    Not brand specific

    • 1 box of Borax laundry booster
    • 1 box of laundry washing soda (i used arm and hammer)
    • 1 box of baking soda (i used arm and hammer)
    • 1 Fels-naptha soap bar stain remover (unscented if sensitive)
    • any scent boost beads (i used purex crystals but whatever your favorite scent is)
    • container
    • wooden spoon ( for mixing)
    • cheese grater (for the soap bar)

    The only actual work in this DIY is making sure your Felsnaptha bar is grated into the mixture. It needs to be fairly small to mix in correctly. I have even seen people use a chopper or a food processor for this but i found the grater worked just fine. Obviously its dedicated to my DIY cabinet now but thats ok because i will be making this on repeat. Once that is grated up in your container, open everything up and pour it in and mix it all up really good and VIOLA! Your very own laundry powder to last you for months!!!

    Thanks for the visit, Happy DIYing
